Times Square Now


Hi everyone! This is Takuya. In this article, I’d like to introduce the situation of DOOH in New York.

1051 – The Times Tower “The 1”


This is the iconic signage of Times Square. It is the most well known media as it is often shown on TV.


Since it was right after the recent presidential election, there were relevant ads placed.

D00221– 20 Times Square


This is the digital signage near the square. It doesn’t have that much impact in the photo, but the real thing is quite large.


個人的に一番お気に入りのメディアがこのデジタルサイネージです。名称は「DIGITAL GODILLA」。まさにゴジラのように巨大なメディアです。

Personally, my favorite media is this digital signage. The name of this media is “DIGITAL GODILLA”. It is a huge media just like Godzilla.


By the way, the average daily number of pedestrians in Times Square in October was 107,598. Compared to the number of pedestrians in the Japanese area, Shibuya currently has around 80,000 to 120,000 per day, so it seems that roughly the same number of people go out in Times Square now as Shibuya does.


Compared to 2019, there were about 370,000 people on the streets, so it has not yet recovered to the previous level, but it’s slowly back to normal.

EarthCam Live: Times Square in 4K
【LIVE】渋谷スクランブル交差点 ライブカメラ / Shibuya Scramble Crossing Live Camera


A live video of one of the most crowded areas in the world, Shibuya Scramble Crossing and Times Square, is available on Youtube. It might be interesting to compare them.

If there is any media that interests you, please contact us!


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