義大利浪潮席捲日本OOH( Italian wave sweeps through Japan OOH)


Recently, when we observe the outdoor media in Japan, we can find that most of the advertisers’ countries are Italy. Most of the world’s fashion brands, car brands, and craft brands are from European countries, with Italy being the leading brand producing country. These brands have been connected to our lives in a way through OOH. Through OOH, we have been able to feel the power and style of these powerful brands in Japan, which is far away from Italy.


The following are some of the famous Italian brands that we have recently discovered and published in the OOH in Japan, which have created a certain degree of awareness.

①瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati


③ITA航空(ITA Airways)


If you are interested in OOH in Japan, please contact us.

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